Fatberg @ Matter of Life

FATBERG: Chapter 1: Beginning To Build An Island of Fat:
28th November 2014 – 22nd February 2015
Matter of Life | Growing Bio Art & Design
MU, Strijp S, Torenallee 40-06, Eindhoven

Mike Thompson and Arne Hendriks invite you to the first public exhibition of their ongoing research project – the construction and growth of a floating island of fat – the FATBERG.

During Dutch Design Week 2014, thousands of visitors witnessed the emergence of the first FATBERG embryo within its own, specially designed, incubator. Following the momentous birth of this “island of fat”, FATBERG drops anchor at MU during Matter of Life, from Friday 28th November 2014 to Sunday 22nd February 2015.

Mike and Arne invite you to join, as they commence building and further experimentation on the FATBERG at MU. Over the coming months they will investigate the physical and biological constitution of fat; processes of rendering and preservation; how we come to control the growth of the FATBERG as it simultaneously controls our behaviour; how the FATBERG is influenced by its immediate environment; how the immediate environment is influenced by the FATBERG; as well as the numerous challenges posed by the inevitable increase in scale. Furthermore, you the public, are invited to collaborate in this public work-in-progress, with workshops and activities taking place throughout, aiding the Fatberg’s growth.

Come and join us!

Best Wishes

Mike, Arne & MU

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